Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Going back to Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Brooklyn...

Remember that Colin Quinn song that was a parody of LL's Going Back to Cali? Yeah, me too...Anyway, I'm moving to New York in, like, a week and I'm totally fine. Yup, not nervous at all! I've started packing and everything! Oh, I haven't. Oh gaaddddd, whyyy am I dooing thissssss?!?!?! Err, sorry my, um, internet cut out for a second...question mark?

Ok, so I'm pretty sure you're wondering why I'm moving to the city, and I'd really like to let you know, It's all because of the opening scene of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze. Obviously a life-changing filmic experience on its own, the opening scene perfectly captures what New York is all about: Pizza and depression. Two things I really really love!! Wait, that's not eggzactly right is it? Hmm..anyway. I really love pizza. And I learned from that movie, and subsequent visits to New York, that New Yorkers really love pizza. I even have it on good authority that all New Yorkers do is go to important business meetings and eat pizza. Sometimes, they do this AT the same time. Can you IMAGINE? Wow...dream big!

Anyway, I highly suggest you check out the forgotten classic TMNT II:SOTO as a sort of crash course for all things New York City. These things include (but are not limited too): Asians delivering pizzas!, Asians fighting Ninja gangs side-by-side with giant turtles!, Giant turtles living in a reaaaally nice (albeit, unbelievable) apartment with a human woman!, A human woman befriending giant turtles!, That guy from Time Bandits being a scientist making small animals into giant animals!, Underground parties where Vanilla Ice will come up with a rap hand-tailored for you on the spot!, and so much more. Trust me, you'll learn more about New York City from one movie than you ever would by actually being there.

And this is my blog. Welcome to Candleshoe. What? I don't know, I just didn't really know how to end this post.

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